Five writing tips for Christmas deadlines

Here are five writing tips to help you with that pre-Christmas rush of deadlines.

  • Plan how you will write your piece before you begin.

    You might be tempted to start writing straight away convinced that putting those first words down quickly will save you time. The reality is often exactly the opposite. You might more quickly complete the task, and in a more professional way, if you plan ahead. How will you begin and then, what will you say or write next?

  • If you’re still having trouble getting those first words onto the screen, or you get stuck at some point in your writing, a short break to clear your mind can help.

    Grab a coffee, walk around the office or the block, or gaze briefly out a window. I know you’re too busy to do that (perhaps) but if your mind is cluttered with one, two, three or a million thoughts, your writing is more likely to become confusing for the reader. Do whatever it takes to clear your mind so you can write with greater clarity. It need not be a long break; often, a few minutes is enough.

  • Write using plain English.

    Choose easy-to-understand words to write your piece. This writing technique will make it easier for your reader to understand your message and possibly, easier for you to write.

  • Remember writing takes time.

    Set aside a specific time, if you can, to complete your writing tasks rather than try to fit them into the corners of your day. Writing, like any other task, requires time (even if you have so little of it as Christmas nears).

  • Sometimes helpful is to talk about a writing challenge with someone whose opinion and advice you value.

    For example, select someone who orders their thoughts clearly, is easily understood when speaking and in their writing, and who has sufficient time to listen and review your challenges before offering some well considered advice.

    Remember, you can also contact the JMP Writing Coach via email at with a question or to arrange a time for a phone or Zoom chat.