My new year resolution: to empower you with language

My 2022 goal is to empower you with language.

Can I ask you a question, ‘are you curious about whether learning to write well can make a difference to your career and to the way your life progresses’?

Like me, you might know someone who is intelligent, capable and creative, armed to the teeth with a good education and yet, is missing out on opportunities because their writing lets them down.

Perhaps 2022 can be a year to ‘never give up’. To discover whether doors open when you accept that writing is a skill that can be taught and learnt. And you become part of that process.

What might happen next?

Everyone’s story will be different.

You might become more at ease with letters so that you can do your job well, or secure more job interviews, or realise you can better prepare for meetings as you learn to more easily order your thoughts and convey them to others. You might even gain access to a promotion.

And at some stage along the learning journey, a confidence might grow, sufficient to empower you to seek out what you’ve always wanted, to reach for your dreams, perhaps, establish a start-up as you discover the language to inspire others about a brand, an idea, a vision.

With written communication now so critical in often work-from-home settings, there’s never been a better time to revisit writing, to level the playing field, to be a serious contender in your future. To hone your skills in writing, and to forge ahead.